Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Woss 'Appening?

Personally I blame my mate Rod Duncan (name dropper!) for giving me his link. A way to express yourself...hmmm, how about the trials and tribulations of trying to write? Get an idea Spend 9 months slogging it out, attending courses, visiting the same forlorn buildings and spoil heaps, reading, reading, reading, feel the ambience, dream, write.
Ok, it's going too fast, split the story into 3, re-write the first bit for 6 months. Visit the same grey crumbling buildings. Stand in the mining museum on a cold, wet day again and try to imagine the struggle to survive. Test the patience of the National library folk a few days more. Read, read, read. Revise a few dozen times and there it is.
Now the hard part begins...


At Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:12:00 am, Blogger Rod Duncan said...

Be warned. It's a long and slippery slope. How many years of my life has it taken? No. Don't even try to work it out.


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