Friday, July 28, 2006

Let's go away!

I have a week off and we are going back to Wales. The baby has a few gigs to attend...

I am quite happy that I have been able to sell the concept of taking a day trip on the Cambrian Coast Railway from machynlleth to Porthmadog as a quick way of seeing the land. the whole family is now going. The fact there is a steam engine on the front is purely coincidental, but it does also give me invaluable research for future projects. Evelin is happy, as I have promised her a day at the chocolate farm.

The waiting continues, another month churns by and both publishers are silent, obviously busy on other blockbusters. I will give it until end August and then I need to try my last Independent Welsh publisher. After that, maybe I should just not even think of it.

My next project has still not taken shape. I am tempted to dip into my saga and write the story set around the time of the Great War. But to do that, I need to have a prequel storyline and much research. I really would prefer to finish my trilogy, but if it ain't selling it's just a vanity project. Maybe they are all vanity projects?

Thursday, July 20, 2006


It's an unsettling time, my work has diluted and I feel under used. My buddy took voluntary redundancy, shame he was the one who kept me sane. Can't help feeling I'm a mug not to, but then I was given 24 hours notice.
The book 2 is finished, I am giving it a continuity check. No news from the two publishers, god this process drags. Another short story done and a big gap in what to do next. I could pursue book 3, I could pursue a new story (I have 4 at least) or a screenplay or a short radio play. All will take a few months research first. If only I knew where I stood!
Most spare time is taken at home, Aile copes with baby, but it makes her tired. Baby rests at two hour intervals, but at 5 weeks he's not ready to interact yet just feed, sleep, feed, sleep. poo comes into it on various occasions. He's 5.4kg now, must be a rugby prop.

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