Sunday, December 20, 2009

A calmer Christmas

I have to acknowledge that things have moved on pretty fast since Halloween. One major change is I am in work! November proved to be quite a lethargic month, application forms went out, nothing really came of anything and I was beginning to slip into a loop of inactivity on virtually all fronts.

then i got 2 interviews in succession, both involving presentations. The first one at Lampeter Uni, I thought I flunked. I was pretty upset, as i fancied the job. The second came soon after, a heavy cold dropped my effectiveness for preparation and on the day I gave myself little chance. Of course, that meant I got the job!

I'm now a funding manager for a rehab charity, I have to get the funds in and manage them. i don't see this as being an easy job, but the rewards are massive. I am being paid more (that's two fingers up to the shabby management!), I work less hours, I'm still close to home, there is a work ethic of not taking stuff home, the work is more relaxed and it's the first time I feel I'm doing something to help people's lives - much more than giving them a new telephone.

Some things changed also with me, I closed down all my ongoing facebook games bar one, they seemed to be taking up my life! I am writing, I occasionally get spare time in lunch breaks and before work. I haven't got into the railway yet, but that needs factoring in. I'm calmer around the house too, that helps everyone. It is all symptomatic that I have turned the corner from those dark days at the Bank.

On the writing front, I managed to win a short story competition. An internal one for a writing press group, but progress nonetheless. I had a lovely rejection from another publisher on the novel too...

So, New Year - for my own personal development I need:

Don't forget to be involved with the family
Grow into the job and start delivering the funds that we need to survive
Write more regularly
Keep trying to get the book published, as the world slowly climbs out of recession.
Write some play ideas
work on model railway, perhaps do some kit assembly when the family watches TV
Enjoy life


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