Thursday, July 24, 2008

Waiting for go - Dot

Another month passes and changes are slow.

We still live out of boxes, the eschange of contracts still hasn't happened. It's still maybe, possibly soon. The bottom of the chain still waits for someone to sort their lives out - this time in Halifax. I am tired of the stasis.
We had a bust up at home too, which didn't help - the pressure of 2 families living together got too much and the result was me taking my family elsewhere - student halls of residence. This is hardly ideal but until life changes and we know yes or no to the house, we can't do anything more permanent. I hate it there, but everyone is calmer.

I have started my job. I am now Branch Manager in Aberystwyth. It's bloody hard work, perhaps I needed that, but targets are there that people aren't reaching, so the honeymoon lasted until about 11am on day one!

The book is in limbo and I haven't time to ponder on it. I managed to write 100 words recently, but all that would unfold if we could only move, settle, live!


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