Monday, May 05, 2008

April rings the changes

Frankly, I'm glad to see the back of it and move on! I wasn't used to unemployment and my great desire to seek immediate re-employment fell on deaf ears. A buzz of excitement when I landed back to back interviews, but both fell foul in the end.

I had a horrendous interview for an Assembly post, was kept waiting for ever and then subjected to some hard-nosed bullying that threw me totally off the path. I had the impression they didn't want me, well the tart remark that followed me taking a sip of water as I sat down was testament to that in hindsight. Well off out of that bunch, spoke to a few people around and the department is notorious for bureaucracy and customer 'service'. Where on earth would I fit in? :)

On to rachels and again kept waiting. this time, they were probing but interested and about 1000% more respectful. I missed the cut, there were people there who had better backgrounds. Shame in some ways, it seemed a very friendly company. Onwards and upwards (I still buy the yogurts!)

Felt as if nothing would happen, then Aile got work in a garage in Aber and before I knew it, the family was in two locations. Aile, Gareth and the cat in Aber. Me and Evelin in Northampton and the hard work just started! The atmosphere shall we say has been fraut in Wales, settling into an existing family routine at my parents. I was just about at my wits end and to top it, our dream house went. Ah well, onwards and upwards. Carry forward 6 applicatipons and move onto May, things change there.


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