Saturday, November 17, 2007

New Beginnings?

It's been a while I know, but things have suddenly got so busy. First we went to Holland for a week at a forest centre - a cut down version of Center Parc. it was very relaxing. We visited Arnhem Zoo, the palace of the Princes of Orange, a museum of old buildings and the European Space Agency. We visited friends who had a boy 6 months either side of Gareth and after watching Raul, the eldest, Gareth now can't stop walking everywhere!

I had a brief correspondence with the publishers who said they had discussed my novel and now wished to send it for a second reading. What to expect? Who knows?

I have managed to get a short story accepted in the Leicester Writers Club anthology too, which is great.

What has really kept my mind all over the shop has been the company announcing again they want voluntary redundancies. Twice in one year is a surprise and I have thought long and hard about it and have expressed interest. I have expressed a desire to sell up and move back to Aberystwyth. The overwhelming arguments:

  1. Evelin is a year of choosing GCSE and Gareth 6 month from nursery. It's the best time for them
  2. We have limited social here
  3. I can not see a progression with present employer. I'm in the wrong geographical position.
  4. My mother would offer childcare to tide us over the period required, allowing Aile to also work and thus offsetting the inevitable cut in salary
  5. My folks are pushing 80 and it will be good for them to enjoy their grand-children more regularly
  6. ..and for us to be on-hand
  7. Quality of life. More accessible beaches and mountains, less pace.
  8. My old school is as good as Evelin's, and we don't suffer the lottery when it's Gareth's turn
  9. Our current hobbies have outlets in Aber - badminton, model railways, writing
  10. We may get somewhere with a flat garden!!!

for writing:

  1. I lost an opportunity for writing in the past due to not living in Wales.
  2. my research is on my doorstep
  3. so are the locations
  4. easier to sell as local author writing on local topics.

I'll know if I'm eligible in about 2 weeks, but although very scary and I am worried that the career is not mapped out, it feels right.


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