Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dawn Departure

Up at 2am this morning, to take my family to Stansted. It seemed a good idea at the time, Aile go to Estonia with Evelin and Gareth, to spend some time back with her mother and get help looking after the baby etc. See the family, while I, hamstrung by leave, follow on three weeks later.

All I can feel is a yawning gap.

It's a really hot day ironically, and I've always told Aile she is a rain goddess, as wherever we holiday, there it shall raineth.

It's really hard though, the house is so quiet, now only one cat left to keep me company - and she's deaf...I have time to do some bits around the house :), prove I'm not hopeless

Gareth takes up time and effort and having a baby restricts your activities. But I so miss hugging him and making him smile. I miss my Evelin and her cheery dizziness. Last but neveer least, I miss my wife and want to give her a huge hug.

Three weeks is not a lot in the great scheme of things and I have things to do, but at the moment it seems like a lifetime and i feel so alone.

Sunshine blesses the dawn
The light caresses
The warmth embraces
Yet why do I feel so alone?

The land shows all of its colour
Green fields shining
with dew, like a lining
Yet why am I without my lover?

The house feels silent and cold
No baby cries
No laughter, no sighs
My heart feels withered and old

For three weeks we will be apart
Whilst work may confuse me
And friends will amuse me
A piece will have gone from my heart


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