Thursday, July 19, 2007

Write '07

Hey, I won a piece of paper! I got a 'Highly Commended' for my story 'A Crisp Morning'. I was pipped for the overal prize by an excellent poem. A very poignant tribute to one departed. It's quite nice to be recognised and it's 3 successes in a month now.
But there's the big prize - the book. If only.... ho hum (deep sigh)

The judges said:

Highly Commended: A Crisp Morning by Geraint Roberts from NorthamptonJudges' comments: "A readable story with a good structure and pace. It has some lovely descriptions, which draw you in, and a cryptic ending."Prize: Certificate

I now have to write more short stories - I'm almost running out. 2 have been commited to paper. one I like a lot. Watch this space!

If you want to read the winning entry visit:

And the ugly mug:

I did actually record the winning entry for the radio and for once, I thought I didn't do a bad job, so have asked for the recording. Unfortunately, after a few queries and 'maybe' promises, I don't see it happening. Time and people are moving on, but it was an enjoyable day. Guys, I toast you with my BBC Radio Northampton mug!


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