Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What happened to time?

I cna't believe it takes me over a month to post these days. So much happening...

We painted the house, now it is on the market. We still think it is a price that will give us a nice place in Aber district. A few viewings, just need a good offer...

But i need a job and with 5 weeks to go, it's looking so far off.

I have booked on a Welsh course for March 31st onward. To help learn the language of course!

My PM course - well the earliest exam is May, so maybe I can wait. Pressure's off for March anyhow.

I leave work in March and it can't come sooner. i regret not going earlier

My writing has kicked off again, i am trying to tighten my novel book 1 for two chapters to send to one publisher recommended by the CLC, who finally (and reluctantly) let it go. Once I have that, I aim to carry on with new. Either the life tale of the railwyman or a new one-off in the land of slate.

All go, anyhow and without a job and a house move, it feels like the completion is so far away. I'm very tense, Aile is a bit also. We need a holiday after this!


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