Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hope in June

More applications, more interviews. I went to a dental practice on Tuesday for the post of manager. Then I got a rush message. can you go to Oswestry for an interview with Abbey? Great irony here, considering I had 18 years of working for them until I was unceremoniously outsourced as part of the price for BT's business. Still, I started feeling sentimental thoughts and warmed to the idea. Strange sito, I was verbally offered the job. Until I get it in writing though, I won't crack the champagne - this is all sorting out too easily, surely?

The house sale is going great guns - contracts are being drawn. The house purchase is struggling as we can't get a mortgage - even for only 20% of the purchase price. they don't like me being unemployed, Aile being foreign etc etc. Abbey are still thinking about it, perhaps if they could confirm my job, it might solve all ills?

I have been bouncing to Northampton and back l;ike a YO-YO, bringing back bits and bobs. it's a bit tiring, wish it was all over and I can sit down, relax, plant a few fruit trees, build a model railway and write. I haven't done any more, but he's definitely going to Stafford.


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