Saturday, October 31, 2009

All was quiet upstairs... Gareth was asleep - or so we thought.

Thing is, the hand prints are so linear and the colours are not linear. He has an eye for art of sorts...

A turning point - but to where?

I cannot believe I haven't blogged for 10 months! but reading the last one, I'm not in the least surprised. The first 8 months of this year have been pure hell. The job pushed me to seeing the Doctor for high anxiety (Damn, how I loved that movie...) and I was not in a nice place. i kept getting strung along for my probation period and the micro-management from above gave me no chance to settle. thrown in the deep end with limited support and a staffing level that seemed to lurch from 40-60%. Ah well, I'm shot of it. i quit on 8th august and walked away with my head held high.

Been a bit quiet since, I've been applying for about 3 jobs a week and it's tough to even get a reply. Must do better.

The world has suddenly become brighter, despite the lack of gainful employment. I have begun to write new and edit old work. My character has left Stafford and is linking up nicely back in Aberystwyth. I have sent some work off to a publisher on spec. I have even begun to build a model railway! I need to get more relaxed about the place, I know I'll be settled when I redecorate! At the mo, I still have doubts over whether the move was for my benefit or the whole family's.

Aile has moved jobs and is paid much more for um less, so she says!
Evelin complains about the lack of shopping and leisure opportunities that Northampton used to hold for her. I thank God from the bottom of my bank account.

Gareth is a very active 3yo. he has started school, 2 hours a day. It is the welsh speaking school, as I want him to have the chance - if he wants to stay. the lack of fluent Welsh may well be holding me back. I must post some pics of an event...

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