Thursday, February 24, 2005

Where did it start?

I used to belong to a group of schoolfriends who produced an ad-hoc journal as a way of keeping in touch. From memory, it ran to 8 editions. There was the Fantasy (wizards etc, not what you perhaps thought...) novel I wrote one summer post school, when I was struggling for something to do. It all went away, but one day I got the bug back. then my wife said the key words. 'Write me a story, I would like a nice romance. After all, your e-mails are what brought me here...'
I looked at what I knew a lot of and the romance was a bit lacking! But the more I thought, the more each had a story and the more I researched, the more there was opportunity for romance. You can find it anywhere if you look hard enough.


At Friday, February 25, 2005 9:14:00 am, Blogger Rod Duncan said...

As a former reader of the excellent publication alluded to in this blog - I have to ask "Are there any copies remaining?" Doubtless they'd make a fortune if they came up on E-bay.

At Friday, February 25, 2005 11:42:00 am, Blogger Geraint said...

I have a complete set and can doubtless organise copies, who knows maybe even publish some excerpts?


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