Another go
The big envelope, full of samples, precis, testimonial, went off to a new publisher. We wait. i don't know how this game gets played properly, but it feels damn tiring sometimes...I did have some good feedback from my old tutor. Stop changing things to suit people. (Unless you are writing the biography of a weathervane, I suppose)And write something different, so you have more than one project to push.
All sage advice, yet it is difficult to break away from a tale that you have put part of you into. When you know there is more to tell. Well, we shall see. Perhaps when i lie in the hospital bed bereft of my gall bladder, I may get a rush of inspiration. Or it may just be a movement from a grateful over taxed system. sorry, couldn't resist that one.
Another scan approaches for Aile and I wait and hope it is all ok. we are told that a recognisable foetus may well be seen. She is permanently tired and I am permanently worried about whether I'm going to do a good job.
Ah yes, work. Almost feels like a holiday in comparison!