Monday, November 07, 2005

Another go

The big envelope, full of samples, precis, testimonial, went off to a new publisher. We wait. i don't know how this game gets played properly, but it feels damn tiring sometimes...
I did have some good feedback from my old tutor. Stop changing things to suit people. (Unless you are writing the biography of a weathervane, I suppose)And write something different, so you have more than one project to push.
All sage advice, yet it is difficult to break away from a tale that you have put part of you into. When you know there is more to tell. Well, we shall see. Perhaps when i lie in the hospital bed bereft of my gall bladder, I may get a rush of inspiration. Or it may just be a movement from a grateful over taxed system. sorry, couldn't resist that one.
Another scan approaches for Aile and I wait and hope it is all ok. we are told that a recognisable foetus may well be seen. She is permanently tired and I am permanently worried about whether I'm going to do a good job.
Ah yes, work. Almost feels like a holiday in comparison!


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