Thursday, October 20, 2005

Back to the drawing board and better news

The publishers have finally got round to telling me they won't continue. Citing lack of funding and resource to develope a novel. i had a feeling this was going to happen, I had asked for a meeting of 10 mins to show my plan, which at least got them to come clean and not keep me hanging on any longer than I have been.
Apparently they couldn't work without the grant from the Academi, but given as the grant was for me and my mentor and I have sorted that out myself, I don't know what money they were expecting. No matter. davy's on the road again... with a stronger book and more idea of what the game is all about. There are still a few more to try.
The good news, my wife is pregnant. After 3.5 years of trying, funnily enough we are both tired...6 months of IUI, her being fed tablets and me going to dark cold rooms to produce a sample. Then being denied IVF under the NHS. In the end our bodies obviously said 'sod it' and we settled for conceiving the natural way. Much more fun!


At Tuesday, November 01, 2005 9:40:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it up!


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