Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A writing success...

Well, not a publishing one. Don't panic just yet. Sit down, let me tell you a tale...

It is that time of the scholastic career for Evelin when she has to move up to Secondary education. In our part of the world, we have to apply for the school. Our choice due to our geographical location is dominated by a school with a bad reputation and below average results. We could apply for the School for Girls, which had the opposite on both plus strong education application is based on parents having to submit a 3 point essay based on the moral, religious and philosophical reasons to attend the single-sex school.
I applied and was honest, I think Evelin needs to be taught away from the peer pressure of this sexist world and given a chance to catch up, as her first year of school was year 2 and that was spent learning English. Still thinks she thinks in phonetic Estonian alphabet, which is why her spelling is not kwite their...
Anyway, I went away and forgot about it and as is the way sometimes, it suddenly transpired she had been granted a place. She is over the moon, as she feels it reflects her work and ability to learn. I am over the moon as it is the first time I have won anything with my writing. I think we are both right, as the school seems to check both the child's behaviour potential and history and the essay appears to test the parents attitude to gaining a place.
Onwards and upwards. Well done, Evelin!


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