Monday, December 05, 2005

More from the front

The last publisher responded to say that they were 18 months ahead with commissioning and not looking at Historical novels.
After a brief lull and sulk at the last publisher stringing me along for nearly half a year, I sent off another speculative application to another publisher. This one asked for a summary of the 'sales strengths of my proposal'. Oh that was so much fun...
They replied to acknowledge receipt and said it may take a few months. There was an element of personalisation in the mail, as the gentleman did sign it with (Mr!) at the end. Having lived this story for two and a half years, I have got into the habit of thinking that the name Ceri is female - as so is my female protagonist named. However it can be a male name in my homeland... Oh well, I hope he saw the funny side.
Also the name of my antagonist heppens to be the name of the publisher and the day after I sent it off, the news reported that postal services to that town were suspended due to snow. Still you gorrw larff an' you...
Book 2 is coming on slowly, I have the issue of creating a book out of 2 chapters of my original story. It is taking so much longer. Still, I am discovering more about my characters and life is getting rougher!
I have been doing a lot of reading on WW1 recently. If this saga ever gets going, I have a handy story for the offspring around book 5.


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