Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Whatever that is. Although it has eased down to roughly 6 hours nights with only one interruption. On a good day. I am hoping that everyone is slowly getting back their energy. Gareth certainly smiles a lot now and it's not just wind!
Big day approaches for Evelin, she starts her secondary school in 2 weeks.
Aile wants to start badminton again - it's all go!
The writing progresses at a snails pace. I have finished the first chapter of book 3 - in case I want to go down that route. The publishing companies are as quiet as usual. It's not like any other business, where you can phone up and push politely, that is more likely to get a bums rush response. But I still feel as if I am in the desert chasing mirages.
Near Daventry? My writer friends : Sally Spedding, Rod Duncan, Clare Littleford are holding a reading on Nov 9th. They have a show where the story is divided into three. Each provide their own part of the tale. It's really thought provoking and Sally's tale normally has the habit of sending shivers down my spine! Highly recommended!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Treading water in the Dead Sea

Have you ever tried this? The Sulphates in the Dead Sea make you super buoyant and it's like swimming with a light beach ball between your knees, you spend more time struggling to be upright than afloat. your heels want to be higher than your head.
My current state of mind, little Gareth is now 2 months old and the 2-3 hour waking pattern has done nothing for my sleep pattern. But he is so cute, especially as he likes producing gummy smiles at present.
My work continues, but I have just hit big reality check. Firstly, there is no alternative without takling a big cut, second my wife does not wish to go rural, third my daughter has just got accepted at a decent school. Ah well, it was a dream but looks as if I'll have to wait for retirement!
I did have a lovely week recuperating in Wales, the fresh air and scenery just makes me weep sometimes! Got some minor research done as well for the ongoing tale of the lead miner.
Latest publisher news; no response from one and the other said call back on 4/9 when the new English editor arrives. I may try another publisher inbetween. The funny thing is, I checked the others and they declare that they are already 2 years ahead with their schedule, so earliest would be late 2008 release. It's a tough business.

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