Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Year, new determination

I have some ideas. It's time to start again with a new vigour. Keep plugging the old book, finish the one I'm doing. Start a new saga. Perhaps go to Leicester club, do more research. Don't give up. Never give up, never surrender (oops, sorry...)

also allow Aile to rest, dvelope more social, get fit, keep building model railway, do more family day trips, find a better job, conquer the universe, invent the next atomic element in the periodic table, win who wants to be a millionaire, find the key to everlasting world peace, invent a new fuel source and watch Wales win the World Cup and Aberystwyth Town lift the FA cup for the first time. .

A bit far fetched? Well, I admit that. Aberystwyth don't play in England after all, so aren't eligible.

Ok, keep to the first half of this and it will be a better year. This year was memorable only for my little boy, bless him. He's a happy chap and a keen impersonator of Eddie Waring at present.

Ramble on, bottom line. If you are reading this with an open mind, have a great festive season and good luck in 2007 to each and every one of you, wherever you may be.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Baby blues

I haven't done much recently with the writing. I am plodding along slowly with the final part of the trilogy and am rapidly approaching halfway. However, the drive for publishing has been knocked out of me.

I have to start again if I mean to be serious about this. Still upset about those who said they wished to publish then kept me hanging on for most of 2005 before dumping me. It appears I have a long memory or wallow in self pity. Soon I must kick start myself again or really what is the point?

Having a baby is much more tiring than I thought. After a days work, and a night of broken sleep, I have no energy most times when I return to do much. And this is a good baby, a happy child! What would happen if we'd had a real screamer? If I'm tired how is my wife?

Writing only survives because I do it at lunchtimes. I can find a corner and lose myself for 45 minutes and get 500 words out or so. I still do it. My mind still prepares the first chapter of book 4. The son of my current protagonist running away, sent by his grandmother to protect him from a crime he was forced into commiting. Running for freedom, but wondering if he has not killed. Hmm, look forward to that. Another start, another book to peddle.

There is a chink of light then, perhaps I will see me start again with renewed vigour in the future, when the sleep gets better and the baby does not take over.

Maybe the Chinese New Year may help - what, have a literary success in the year of the boar? Hmmm...

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