May muddling
So May approached and we still had a wacky situation. Half of the family in England, half in Wales. Aile in work, me not. Lots of tension everywhere. Great.I got a few knockbacks - at least two were turned down because of my limitrations of the Welsh language. It persuaded me that I had to go for another week's intensive course in Nant Gwrtheyrn in the Welsh language. It was tough - learning Welsh in Welsh when my confidence was low. What I gained from it was a will to engage strangers in Welsh and keep trying. The scenery was still beautiful in that lost valley on the Lleyn. I'll have photos soon.
It also meant that I decided that living in Northampton was not helping me find work in Wales, so I am now in Aberystwyth with the rest of the family. Evelin greeted being shifted two weeks earlier with a bit of a tantrum, but there we are. It was going to happen.
I now have 10 applications outstanding and one interview pending. These range from managing a dental practice to Train Driver to manager of a gold mine! I have been advised my cv is too long.
Big news on the house front though, we have a buyer for ours and have had an offer accepted on a nice place in Llanilar, some 7 miles from Aberystwyth town. A very lovely valley, the Ystywth. With a prevailing wind, we hope to be sorted asap! Things are moving fast, at least for now.
Writing wise - the first 200 words of my novel is included in the Leicester Writers Club showcase anthology, published today! i haven't managed to do much writing - I hope this will change soon. Publishing my photos of Nant Gwrtheyrn may spur me to write a travelog and the new novel is stuck. Should he go and work in Stafford or stay in Aberystwyth for the short term. There's a case for both. That's the easiest of my worries! When I have some time, I need to knuckle down and send the original novel to a publishers for appraisal.