Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dydd Ddewi Sant

Today is the day, i'm supposed to wear a daff. Never liked leeks as a child, they had a funny taste. At least with daffs you weren't tempted to have a bite!
In school, we used to have an Eisteddfod. It involved plays and I remember at 14 co-writing a silly talent show, where I appeared on the panel as Denis Healey. Very welsh, that!
There used to be Eisteddfod's all over the land. Celebrating poem, prose and song. Northampton had one every year, so did Jersey! Now all gone, more's the shame. Maybe things will change, my local sports club has even produced a Welsh menu for the night. It's nice to be recognised.

Funny how the rugby has generated a lot of well-wishes from English fans. More than we deserve, for we've never been so sporting in the past. Ok, I'll say it once. You deserved the World Cup. To go into the Lion's den and beat the Aussies on their own turf was something special. Almost as good as the France game last Saturday....oops, now I'm backsliding!


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