Wot next?
The trials and tribulations of trying to get published! I wait patiently for a response from my ex-tutor as to my storyline. Once we have had the chat, I will move on to knocking on the next door.
I think there are 4 more publishers in Wales who might be worth trying, one of whom also offers a sort of co-op publishing arm - which means you have to stump up 75%of the cost, but recoup 67% of revenue. Well, we'll see.
Have been back to Aberystwyth over the weekend and apart from sampling my father's excellent malt whisky (recommend Isle of Jura...), I got some quality time reading old newspapers in the National Library of wales. the
Aberystwyth Observer for 1882-6 to be precise.
They are hard work to read, no main headings, all narrow columns of text. Of interest though is the change of attitude of what is news. They will go into great lengths on events - garden parties, Eisteddfod and so on, Who sang what - very important, being Wales. The weekly takings of the Cambrian Railways, um...right, hold the back page.
I was interested in how they report the news from outside, General Gordon's defeat at Khartoum and the Irish famine. It would appear that there was great knowledge of the famine and calls for help. Then one report in 1886 tells me the health and clothing of the poor is fairly good. Like 'ok, nothing to worry about.'
Next we are told the figures of the thousands of emigres to the US from the 'blighted land'. A tragic tale and I can see how easy it was to let happen as the news was muddled and those that chose put in misguiding information. Never again, anywhere. Please.
Local newspapers of the time seemed to believe you had an idea of the main stories of the world, like you took it as a supplement. However to the poor miners, it was probably the only source of news. They discussed politics at the break. A thousand feet below the damp Mid Wales countryside, the old boys were probably waxing lyrical about Gladstone's home rule bill and the Boer War later on, in fact when Ladysmith was relieved, the mayor of the village of Ysbytty Ystwyth was on his horse and the village marched behind him three miles to the next village in celebration! They do that over here every time Northampton Saints win a rugby match...
Back to the drawing board and better news
The publishers have finally got round to telling me they won't continue. Citing lack of funding and resource to develope a novel. i had a feeling this was going to happen, I had asked for a meeting of 10 mins to show my plan, which at least got them to come clean and not keep me hanging on any longer than I have been.
Apparently they couldn't work without the grant from the Academi, but given as the grant was for me and my mentor and I have sorted that out myself, I don't know what money they were expecting. No matter. davy's on the road again... with a stronger book and more idea of what the game is all about. There are still a few more to try.
The good news, my wife is pregnant. After 3.5 years of trying, funnily enough we are both tired...6 months of IUI, her being fed tablets and me going to dark cold rooms to produce a sample. Then being denied IVF under the NHS. In the end our bodies obviously said 'sod it' and we settled for conceiving the natural way. Much more fun!
I was in hospital last week. My gall bladder flared up and I had 48 hours of being unable to settle. Apparently I have a beach of gall stones, although the GP says I could live with it if I cut down on fat. Which is funny, as they always talk to you like you're slurping pints of full fat milk with your fry-ups three times a day.
Anyway, no progression from the publishers although my friends have begun to help by feeding back on the storyline and i have managed some work on the sequel. this one is hard work, as the cameos are clowly coming into place. Near riot last chapter. It's funny how you start something, Sometimes you have a plan, but then have to watch as the story hijacks itself and plays out a few other scenarios on the way!
The waiting game
Another week, some progress, nothing definite. Ah, just like work...
I have proposed to the publisher I should engage tthe help of author friends to help mentoring. Two have agreed to read the story outline - a summary paragraph of each chapter and make comments. I can't see either wishing to do a full mentoring job, as they have other things to do, but I REALLY DON'T THINK I AM THAT FAR OFF FROM THE FINISHED ARTICLE!!!
So, I wrote the outline, extending some sub-plots and so forth. I await news, also a response from the publisher, because if thy don't but into the process, I have to start the search anew anyway.