Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Keeping the fire burning

I have just finished a second short story, the equivalent of a chapter. A tale during the Great War of two men returning on leave, running from their fears. It's integral to a book idea of the saga involving the son of my current character.
This is a problem, I have a few ideas knocking about, the actual tale of the family could stretch to 10 novels given the timelines and within them are some events that I have already dreamed and get in the way of my current project. To ensure they are committed to paper and to give me a break from Cardiganshire lead mines, I am writing them periodically to have a break. Besides, they increase the portfolio.
I still wait with bated breath for the response from my latest missive to a publisher. It's been 3 months and whilst the world may be on hold for the result of the Da Vinci trial I harbour more darker thoughts of the reasons. I need to prepare for my next assault on the publishing world over Easter. And people tell me cheerfully that JK Rowling was rejected 35 times...
One last thought, I recommend you check A man who wishes to compete for anyone in anything for any country in the London Olympics and raise a shedload of money for charity. Why not?


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