Friday, March 17, 2006

Research takes you down lanes you never knew existed

Funny, you have a frame for a book and some scenes build in your mind. Some of which are burning, they feel so real, you can feel the emotion. you feel as if you are there. Then for historical accuracy, you need to research to set your story in the right place and the right context with events of the time.
I remember watching a doc. on the freak tidal wave that swept up the Bristol Channel in the 17th C. Long before the name tsunami had been added to the English language. It would be a bit remiss to base a story then and not mention it!
research takes you to strange locations and obscure books that no longer exist or are going for a song on ebay, failing that and the lack of access to National libraries, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and buy the books. i do where possible anyway, otherwise it would be hypocritical. It does lead to funny requests and people look at you as if you have lost it.
So what do I want for my birthday? A book on the Rotherwas Munitions Factory please!


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