Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Let it snow

It snowed today, very ironic as I was going over my Manuscript and the hero was walking to work through drifts to get to the mine. No work was taking place, as the land was frozen and all the heavy machinery was reliant on the supply of water to power the wheels that drove them.

Makes me think we don't get so much of a problem these days, scrape the ice of the car and drive a little slower, The roads have been gritted for us. we have it easy!

The current state of my novel is that I am revising it for what will perhaps be the last time before I try the literary world. I had an idea for a story (well I had 3, but the other two are tales of future generations and can wait for now.) I wrote that whilst taking a writing course. My tutor gave excellent feedback and by the end I knew it was going too fast.
I then split it up into three stories and rewrote it, adding more scenes and giving more time for characters to grow. There then followed the read throughs. A continuity read, a 'Welsh' read (Is it too Welsh/ not Welsh enough within the context of the English language?), then passing it to selected victims, er... volunteers and we are at the revision process from that. I have just completed a different start and finish based on the feedback.
It's been two years now and I'm at that point where I need to start sending it out. Crossing that threshold is frightening. I'll let you know how it goes...


At Friday, March 04, 2005 11:51:00 am, Blogger Rod Duncan said...

Novels are never finished, only abandoned. Revising for the last time? We will see.

And sending out - a nervous time, yes. But you have to do it. And whilst you're going through that process - write something different. Try out different voices. Have fun. Nothing you write is ever lost.


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