Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, it's nearly a month gone and I still have heard nothing from the publisher and it's time to move on. I am very miffed though, I have just been through all that I sent - financial appraisal, chapters 1-3, biography etc. the overview I wrote was so bad, I could weep! Oh well, it's changed now, maybe the next lot may think more favourably on it.

I have now completed Chapter 19 of the sequel I estimate another 4 chapters. It is such a shame that I started down this road of writing the sequel when i had had a verbal interest by a previous courted publisher. I have a third book of this series, but I feel I should start next on another project - the story one generation on perhaps or something fresh. I can come back to it later. It does mean my proof readers may be kept in suspense for a while though!

But the rest of the life is so busy now - I have an operation planned for Friday (gall bladder), my wife is due on 3rd June and so it goes on. But yet life would be dull without the occasional event!


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