Thursday, August 30, 2007

Estonian diary

Day 1: Travel. Pottered around the house, left late. Visited Bluebell railway and celebrated with a nice pub lunch and pint on the station platform, watching the E4 and Eddystone come in and out. Very pleasant. Got to Estonia, long day. We stayed in Kalli and Arvo's place, I needed the sleep. After the travel, I needed the shower!

Day 2: Gareth's look of amazement when he awoke to find me there was priceless. Arvo kindly took us south and we settled in the summerhouse - a small dwelling in the forest in mid Estonia. Where I can sit on a veranda and watch the huge garden of fruit and veg or the thunderstorms. Gareth has had fun here, he hardly stops running around. Evelin's bored, but then she can't resist cooling down in the local river. Ice cold and pure, a wonderful pick-me-up. i love this area, the way the storks nest on top of the telegraph poles. The way there's nothing around to bug me. the way the insects don't bite.

Day 3: We went to the beach, north of the resort of Parnu. Miles of sandy beach, really shallow sands that undulate, leaving you knee deep after 100m of freezing your privates off. Lovely day, Gareth can't stop running for the water. Thought I was the Piscean...

Day 4: Went to a health spa in Parnu. what a bizarre experience! We checked in and paid up front. The girl dutifully typed our details onto a database, gave us a card and told us to go to the 5th floor.
We went on the slowest lift in civilisation to a lady sat with a computer terminal. She took our card and dutifully entered all the details, manually on a sheet of paper. She then wrote out our card and told us to go to the Doctor on the 7Th floor. Off we traipsed and the Doctor looked at us and pushed us into choosing some treatments. Aile, Evelin and I got a massage. Aile and I chose a bubble bath (very relaxing) - separately! and some weird salt therapy. The Doctor noted these on our card and ... sent us to the third floor, to a lady who booked us in on a manual sheet, marked our cards and... exhausted and in need of a massage and bubble bath, we went to our rooms.

Day 5: Well, we enjoyed our stay, the free nosh and the quiet demeanour of Parnu, we decided to stay another day. First, Evelin and I were treated to a bizarre therapy. With plastic bags covering our heads, shoes and a plastic sleeved apron, we were off to sit in a strange room lined with salt crystals. Next I had a mud bath, and then my hands were treated to the delights of being dipped in molten paraffin wax. Hmmm.... we also had a day on the beach. the wind blew like buggery, but we still had fun. then back to the summerhouse

Day 6: A day lazing in the summerhouse. I could do with these. lovely day, almost got some writing done... Read Harry Potter. It's all about a boy magician, doncha know...

Day 7: Over to Aile's Dad in another forest, near rakvere. We surprised them. he was overjoyed and Gareth played up to everyone as always. Taught some bizarre therapies by his wife. She told me to lick the sign of a cross on his forehead three times and spit it out if he's got the heebeejeebees. She grabbed my head and demonstrated too before I could tell her I had just doused myself in insect repellent.... Great stuff that, gets rid of all bugs, except the Estonian ones. I have bites to play with now.

Day 8: Back to summerhouse. And a welcome swim in the river. we needed it, we felt grimy.

day9: To Kalli and Arvo's. Evelin went shopping. Arvo came back and went to sleep. Gareth dutifully trashed their kettle. They keep it on a hob and Gareth has found that if you turn knobs, they go round. What fun... Well 20 mins of open windows and Arvo and I scraping molten plastic off the worktop. Kalli now has the cleanest kitchen in Christendom. I have a £65 kettle to replace.
Watched Estonia beat Andorra 2-1. An understated score, if Estonia did not insist on playing 7 midfielders and 5 defenders, whilst Andorra. Imagine a mildly adequate Sunday pub team. Well, no... imagine a Sunday pub team. Shocking! England only scored two, as the mountain boys were interested in kicking lumps out of their peers or falling dramatically at their feet. Estonia's last kick of the game produced the winner, it was the one time someone took on a man. he took on 3, slotted a wonderful cross and bang. In the net. The scorer was so pleased he was sent off for celebrating. Pit the ref hadn't noticed the preceding theatricals. What a sport, hey?

day 10: Off kettle shopping, invested in a few other things like a game, a book... Evelin went off and blew the rest of the budget. That bodes ill for the future...

Day 11: Went shopping for food. Ended up with a suitcase full of black bread, cheese and some pungent dried fish that beer drinkers like - sort of Estonian maritime pork scratchings, I guess...

Day 12: Went home. Gareth spent 150 mins of a 3 hour flight flirting with all the blond women. he spent the rest asleep. Bliss! The journey was long, but not dramatic. The whole door to door was 12 hours before we stepped back in and sank gratefully to our beds.

Bank Holiday: Did absolutely sod all. Marvellous!

Estonian update

I've been and we've all come back. We did nothing major touristy things and spent most of the time in the wild forest. it was great, I feel really chilled. the family are good for it, Evelin speaks more Estonian. Good break! I struggled for so long before the go, doing a new floor in the hallway. Aile likes it, but not my choice of edges. Um... sorry, but can't change them without ripping up the floor... :)

I got precious little writing done, but have slowly got back into it now. what have I to show for the 5 weeks? 200 words on a chapter of book 4 and half a short story that I need to rewrite, as I don't like its tempo and style. A new voice? Anyway, it's disappointing, I had planned so much. There we are, writing can't be forced and if I didn't write anything, I certainly soaked up the atmosphere and experiences that can be utilised later on. I also had two productive days in the Nat library - even if my dictaphone tape broke and I need it repaired!

Since coming back, I am 75% done on the chapter. Basically, I've been stuck. I know where I want to go in later chapters. i now have worked through the line, a few new characters have arrived and another chapter fits in. A reprise from book 2 to link them.

I have reworked short story 'the tin turtle' - further experiences of David's war. I have written a new story today for a little comp. It's totally from my normal voice and I wanted to try. I named it 'A sign from Waddingtons' and i guess it pays homage to a certain game. I'm sure it's been done before, but it was fun.

I also entered a poetry competition with my Dawn Desire (reworked). Well, why not? have heard nothing from the publisher. I need to wait until at least mid-September.

My diary will follow...

Monday, August 06, 2007


I kid you not, I went for an audition with 1v100. Well, why not? I've never done it before. Met loads of nice people, some of whom have tried before (um, I'm not that desperate, am I)

Anyway, this is the run down for all you potential punters. I had to pay my own travel to Brum and there was no refreshments laid on. We spent 5 mins playing charades. Then we had 2 quizzes of 50 questions. 1 was multi choice, the other wasn't. Then an interview in front of the camera, where I'm asked to talk about myself. (oh come on.... I'm a man for God's sake...) then home. 3 hours tops, no glamour but a bit of a giggle and they were all nice folk.

More work

I've been busy, but with things around the house. Finished a few more short stories, but not much else. May skip Writers club - nothing to show for the second week!
The house has taken up so much of my time, so much for time to relax! I destoned 166 small yellow plums tonight for freezing. We'll be in plums and berries for a month.

I have heard mnothing from the publishers. I have heard from the film company, who want to dramatise the Frongoch Italians story. In fact Meic from the group popped over for coffee. We described each others' projects and came to agree that we weren't in direct competition. They are planning a Welsh language TV movie, they've done a lot of digging in places I haven't (if you pardon the pun). In contrast, I've done digging where they haven't thought - one of the benefits of running a full saga, is I've studied long and hard of the background goings on and I hope I helped him there and a few tips on surviving reams of Victorian newspapers!
I hope I'm right, they may well obtain some info i don't have and though it may assist my novel, I want to know the full story! i also want to assist in any way I can, as it will help me, my development and one may complement the other.

We'll see, eh!

A few Estonian stories coming up and restarting Daffydd's tale, now I've done some digging in Talybont

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