Friday, March 04, 2005

A brief respite

I have finished my personal reviews, now I must write a synopsis. Everyone's favourite task. You spend 2 years trying to fine tune 80-100, 000 words and then you have to find a dynamic way of summarising the tale in a page of prose!
My friend Rod has sensibly pointed out that the novel may yet be reviewed, but more than likely now by external requests.
There is a strange bit of advice given also, write something else. You feel like you should stay with what you are doing, for you don't want to lose the insight to the lives of your character. Then when you do something else, you open up new emotional avenues and you realise that you, the writer and your character even may benefit in the long run. But it can also act as a distraction to your goal.
So today, i started a new story, a prologue if you like. there's been a terrible strike and it has ended. The managers have won, the defeated workers go back to work. One who worked during this makes his way to the quarry ready to die, as a final end to the heartbreak that this episode has brought to him. For he did not break ranks without reason, nor willingly. yet now he suffers for it. he stands at the top oif the mountain, ready to jump and asks 'how did it all come to this?' - so begins the story. 'Bradwr - the story of a traitor'
We will come back to it from time to time!


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