Friday, May 19, 2006


I returned to work today, three weeks after the gall bladder op. It's all back to normal now. They wanted to know if I wanted redundancy! Strange, but not the right time with a baby due in 2 weeks.

The birth approaches and I am decidedly nervous. More so than the general anesthetic for my op. Then I was shaking, worried that my historical event of a heart attack 4 years previous may have figured. It didn't. Now, I am very nervous. Why? Simply, the knowledge that at parts of this, I will not be able to provide any tangible assistance to relieve the pain or assist. That is scary. I don't care about being shouted at, I've told Aile to do it in Estonian, so I can nod my head and smile like an idiot.

The book progresses, now on Chapter 22 of the 2nd novel. I went to see another publisher regarding the first and we sat down and discussed it over a cup of tea. They are an established company in the old mining belt and he sounded interested. They do offer a publishing scheme by which you part finance it and get back some element of revenue. The scary side of it is that I would have to stump up £3000 and it would take 1500 sales to get that back. First novels are never expected to make money, they are supposed to let you loose on the market. In theory, they are the loss leaders for future gains. Or so I am told, reality or a clever marketing ploy? Who knows.

I believe the theory now that you don't go in this business to make money, unless you are lucky and hit a niche based on some half baked discredited theory, which appeals to everyone's paranoia.Oopss, sorry Dan... Alternately, if your work is adapted for big or small screen. Or you sell lots of books. So why do people do it? To be able to release your dreams, the thrill of creating stories, escape from the hum-drum of daily life. But you need the will-power and sheer bloody mindedness to persevere. Oh well, onwards and upwards.


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