Thursday, March 10, 2005

The next step

After reading Carol Blake's excellent book 'from pitch to publication', I have a few things to do! (No, this is not a 'Dear Carol, please take me on' letter... but the book is highly recommended.)

Her shopping list of presentation material for pitching your book:

Blurb - done, but needs tweaking.
Synopsis - have done one for, for the original story that now looks set to fill three books, so it's the one thing that really needs doing.
Make the first three chapters the best - hmmm... when will a writer ever admit THAT...
Author bio - have one, need's tweaking.
Letter of introduction - not even got there yet.

Work to do, methinks. In the meantime, my side project has taken on a bit of motion. I have finished a prologue, I'm now sketching an epilogue/ end chapter. It may sound strange to write the beginning and end first, especially when I have not researched enough to do the middle! It is good to do this however, because I at least commit to paper those ideas that are going around my head. Also, I remember that at the Winchester festival, they have competitions for things like opening 3 pages, best beginning, best end etc... you never know when it comes useful!


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