Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Synopsis - can't anyone agree?

Trying to get an idea of what is required . Search the net and this is what you find.

It's what goes on the back cover of the book,
it's a summary of each chapter.

It's a maximum of 1 page,
it's two pages at the most,
it's at least 6 pages.

No, that's a storyline,
no...THAT's a storyline.

It's the most difficult thing you have to do...sounds about right!

Anybody out there wishing to add to this mayhem will be more than welcome to leave comments in the ususal way!


At Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:33:00 am, Blogger Rod Duncan said...

A synopsis can be written for different reasons - and thus end up in a variety of different forms. The back-blurb type of thing can be useful for selling the novel - if you can say what it is all about in 50 words it always helps. A chapter by chapter outline of the book can sometimes be useful during the writing process - to help you keep track. When sending in sample chapters to an editor or agent a synopis is often required. This - as far as I can understand - is to put those sample chapters in a context and to allow the person reading to determine if the opening does in fact set up the story you are describing, and to get an understanding of the liely commerciality or otherwise of the novel. Personally - I hate synopsis writing!


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