Friday, March 18, 2005

Resurrection of a nation?

I should be writing, I should really be writing. I should have honed off my blurb and typed up my synopsis. It should be winging it's way off to an agent. I am almost there, perhaps Sunday.

Can't do anything for the moment, I'm too much swept up in the game. what game? THE GAME! I grew up in a time when I was naive enough to watch rugby and expect Wales to win, it was a natural order of things. I bet there's a load of English kids now who think that now with their boys. The whole psyche of the land was based on an attractive successful rugby team, it's funny how a nation is polarised by sport, funny but not unique.

Then there were the lean years, the rugby league poaches, the nearly men. The Thorburn punts, the Davies magic, the Ieuan Evans sidesteps. I remember Wales v Scotland when Ieuan sidestepped 5 scots and the ref to score.... I know, because I was there - outside Radio Rentals in Cardiff Queen Street. Don't knock it, it was a brilliant atmosphere!

Anyway, there is a buzz that I've not known in the West. If the boys can do it, I can foresee a small economic boom. Sales of mementoes will rocket (some may even be bought by others outside my house), some pundits predict a baby boom even! Moreover, it would lift the psyche of a nation ravaged by decline with the crash of manufacturing and the demise of coal and steel amongst others.

And I'll be happy too. Probably a quivering wreck in front of the Tv, like after the France game. After watching that, i believe anything is possible! Ok, I will look forward to my talisman Shane Williams doing the business and pray and cross just about everything that it is so. Then we'll get back to writing!

One thing I do know, I'm going to need earplugs. My wife screams at the TV during these games - and she's Estonian!


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