Thursday, April 14, 2005

A new project

My good friend Rod Duncan (Author of Backlash, Breakbeat and Burnout- 3 crime novels based in Leicester) gave me a good tip. When finished one novel, try writing something different next. Don't go straight on to more of the same. It broadens your outlook, gives you experience of different genres and narratives. Helps you develop.
I thought about this and whilst Book2 burns to be written and the quarry novel peaks my interest, I thought I would spend a bit of time writing something completely out of historical sagas.
My recently departed cat gave me an idea to write a testimonial, the more notes I made, the more I have got into stories of his life and the remaining mogs. So, Tiger's autobiography is my current project. Written through the eyes of a cat, probably a piece of work for my posterity alone, but a bit of fun. Not sure how long its going to be, but at least my research is lesser - more of cat psychology.

The book, provisionally entitled 'the turn of the wheel' is now sent off to a poor unsuspecting agent and being critiqued by the Welsh Books Council. Here's hoping...


At Friday, April 15, 2005 2:41:00 pm, Blogger Rod Duncan said...

I'm really pleased you are doing this. The more different types of writing you have a go at, the more it will enrich your novel writing.

And animal POV writing has a long and honourable history. Anyone who thinks animal POV is always sentimental, have a look at the poem Hawk Roosting. (A Google search will take you to it).


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