Thursday, April 07, 2005

A new start

I'm putting together the plan for book 2. I don't have enough background info gathered for the quarry and I'm keen to write once more. It's interesting reading over my original tale.
I started with a story that took the life of Owain Lloyd, then I realised it was too damn fast and squeezed into 100,000 words. So I chopped it into three. The first 10 chapters now have been expanded and re-written as book 1. I have the last 10 chapters earmarked for book 3 and they will be in a very interesting time period. that leaves the original 2 chapters in the middle, where I tried to skip 11 years. Now I have to make them into book 2! Jotting down notes, I think there's enough human material there.

The other reason for doing this, is to generate another potential project. if I can map out the storyline for book 2, then book 3 I will have the background to embark on book 1 of the sequel! Dafydd Lloyd (not, I would mention, the only gay in the vill-ej...), whose career gets caught up in the railway industry. not a train spotters manual, mind you. Some juicy bits of local history, the first world war and a love triangle. Ooh err...

Then there's the sequel of his son perhaps!!!

I just think I need to have a few things to work on, so I can drop one and pick up another as and when the situation arises. Not work on all at once!!!

I also need to take my mind off my cat, Tiger aka Tigger, Tig, Twinkletoes, Pushkin, Bastard, Oi!, shurrup etc etc. who is poorly and showing unnerving symptoms similar to a previous mog who died of kidney failure. One of his kidneys is enlarged. Hmmm...


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