Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Cat project - opening written. He's a bit of a geezer, it appears.

Mine story - No response from Welsh Books Council or agent. That's how it goes...

Notes: Managed not to attend the Annual Writers Conference this year. Funds have been diverted into keeping the car roadworthy amongst other things! It's a great opportunity to have a one to one with an agent, which helps. It's a toss-up as to whether it helps or not. Never mind, there's always next year.
Speaking of cars, my wife has a driving test today. The psyche of these times means that most think you can't survive without a car. Gone are the days spent as a child, standing out in the pouring rain with my mum waiting for the little green bus to take us to town! Funny how technology becomes adopted and then becomes a necessity. Note the sight of people driving up to the post box at the bottom of our street to post a letter. Parking, as they do on a junction, oblivious to the dangers. As time progresses, I am waiting for the day I have to provide the self adhesive for my daughter to permanently glue the mobile phone to her ear as a necessity...
But then, our lifestyles mean that people's work and social are over a larger distance than they were in the days of Victorian lead miners. Back then, a good pair of legs were essential to get around. No motor cars and horses were a luxury. The air must have been cleaner too, up in the hills.

That said, I really hope she passes.


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