Monday, May 22, 2006

Interesting Times

Have found a government grant scheme to promote development in relation to the mining heritage. I have posed the question, could that mean they would consider giving me a grant? I think they are more used to shelling out for other things, but well - if you don't ask...

My mother-in-law arrived from Estonia yesterday and I still weary from the motorway journey in torrential rain! She did come bearing gifts and as I think Estonian beer, chocolate, sausages and black bread is the proverbial Dog's Bollocks, I was more than happy!

However, there is part of me feeling low. The baby is now due in 12 days and I feel the enormity of it. The world appears to be on my shoulders and I begin to wonder whether everything is prepared and will i be ready?

There are two sides of me; One is the leader, the motivator who can talk a seriously unfit lady up from the bottom of the Grand Canyon, who can inspire confidence. The other is the worrier, the one who will give a running commentary on the great event. the one who's mouth will engage because the brain has stopped. Which one will turn up for the birth? Who knows!

On a slow, boring day like this when the rain cascades down, when the work is slow and relentlessly being dumbed down, when I am at the stage in my writing, where a warm character is about to leave the narrative for another plane. That's when I question how I managed to get into this rut and how I will provide in the future. According to the leaflet from the hospital, this is apparently normal behaviour. Oh God! Reassuringky normal.!


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