Sunday, February 18, 2007

recharge the dragon batteries

I had a wonderful week in Rhyl.

Not quite a hook I would use, but stranger than fiction, I did. Even though the bed gave me serious backache. One thing about Rhyl, is it's well placed to go to anywhere on the North Wales coast and last week we have dutifully obliged.
From mountains to slate mines, zoos to lakes. We did it and the weather dutifully obliged. Funny that, for normally when we go away, we meet rainstorms - even in Malta and Tenerife! Made me wonder at one point if I wasn't married to a rain God.

Another thing, without distractions, I blitzed three chapters of the book 3 and this brings me to the final dramas. it is good, as it will give me a chance to start a new narrative soon. I also plan to restrt the submissions trail. All in time for Year of the pig, normally one of the better ones for me. this time?


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