Friday, September 08, 2006

Swn y Mor

The sound of the sea. Once a fine Welsh whisky, now a thought of one of the many things that give me hiraeth when I am on the verge of returning home to Aberystwyth for a quick visit.
My folks have a Golden Wedding anniversary party, which will be fun.
What is it i miss?
The sound of the sea? The smell of salt in the air? The sunsets, where the sun disappears over the horizon of Caardigan Bay casting pastel shades over the water? Waves crashing on the pebbly beaches causing a rattling of stone, like some manic giant dice throw. A lone fishing boat at sea in the evening glow. Otters at play in the harbour? Walking the castle ruins imagining a land long ago. Rolling green hills, wonderful waterfalls. The ubiquitous little steam trains. Red kites soaring above the woodland, looking for the kill. Buzzards sitting on telegraph poles in a snow capped vista. Tranquil lakes to sit by and idly dream the day away. Winberry bushes on the hills. Welsh cakes. Brains Dark. Cawl???
I think i should go and find out.

(no sheep jokes please, don't spoil the moment)


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