Tuesday, June 27, 2006


How the hell did I end up doing this job, outsourced by those ungrateful bastards, the Shabby to the Bloody Tedium Plc. They managed to regress my work by twenty years, but neglected to provide the lobotomy. here I am, brain the size of a planet.

Well actually I hope not, that would imply encephilitis...

Anyway, it is soul destroying when people recognise your intelligence by pushing you into menial jobs devoid of initiative and constructive thought. Human ego drives you to achieve and these buggers just want to hang you out to dry. God I hate this!

When baby settles, I must start cunning plan. Decide what I want to do that will keep the same amount of finance and leave me not hurting inside from being scrapheaped (if such a word exists)

Christ this really does piss me off. Oh well nearly 5 and I have a baby at home to go back to. Evelin is visiting her new school also tonight.

Got that off my chest, feel a bit better now!


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