Sunday, June 18, 2006

Do not adjust your set

Readjustment continues. Gareth does actually sleep, thank God! he is a bonny babe, even if I say so myself, already trying to stand when you put him on your shoulder while you sit down.

Looking back, the right man turned up for the birth. especially as it was not easy, the cord was round his neck and every push pulled the heart rate down. the medic team moved so fast and when he was whipped out, he didn't half look surprised! I held him while his ys opened for the first time. that was special.
Funny thing was that labour started in earnest on a quiet afternoon, we were watching Japan v Australia on the World Cup. Oz were 1-0 down and 7 minutes to play, then they scored 3 times and my wife was off to hospital. What's all that about then? I better beware of Australians, they have a funny effect on my wife!
I have started a new short story about my character Dafydd a railwayman in WW1, good to be back writing for my mind. I didn't win the competition, don't seem to get many confidence boosts these days from my writing, oh well. Baby takes up the time at present, I will let it roll for June and July


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