Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Long Wait

Writing news is limited, I completed Chapter22 of book 2. Perhaps by the end of August, I will have the finished article. Then there is the question, will it stand up as a novel in its own right or just as a sequel. Then what do I do next...

More, much more important is the new arrival. Due on Saturday 3rd, not far away. Aile is so uncomfortable now and I feel for her. I just hope it goes well for all and we have someone hale and whole. It really is a worry. Partners get great concerns about the whole process, those with any bloody intelligence. Men are so used to trying to fix things as the Mars/Venus man put it. At the labour, you have to stand and watch your partner in pain and unable to do anything about it. Then there are decisions you may have to make for your partner, which could dictate the outcome. It's frightening. I despise anyone who has walked away from this, those who leave the mother to cope on their own without a thought for any but themselves. It's what my spouse had to put up with first time around. Perhaps I should be thankful, for I have watched my daughter grow steadily towards a beautiful woman and he missed all that...More reason for me to be there now.

I have asked my wife to give birth on the 7th, as I calculate that I will then have sufficient rest in time for Germany v Poland and then I get 2 weeks leave to enjoy the start of the World Cup. 3 matches a day, you know it makes sense. Thankfully, she too has a sense of humour, so my bollocks remain intact!

We have no names, well that's not true; I have lots of names. Aile has reserved jusgement until after the birth. Only thing I know, if it has to be the 6th, it won't be called Damian!


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