Friday, September 15, 2006

The Rellies

Ah the book, the writing, the whole shebang. Absolutely no news, except I have embarked on Book 3. Not because it is an additional point of entry, but because it is partly written and just needs expanding and most of the research has been done. Lazy? No, new arrival means my life revolves around baby and sleep, the rest gets filled in when it can. At least until we move to a full night's sleep. I reckon I can get close to half way before I need to do major research in Aberystwyth once more.

Just returned from parents golden wedding. 50 years marriage! I asked my Dad what the secret was and he said 'seperate bathrooms.'

He has also embarked on researching his ancestry using I've been dabbling a bit, as it is possible to do net searches with one hand as you hold the baby in the other... It would appear the Roberts family of Llandegla are a normal bunch of 19th Century. We have a blacksmith, farmer, and some poor kids who ended up in service. A lead mine worker also appeared, which holds a certain irony for me, given the background to my saga. It will be interesting when we research his mother's side as I know his Taid was the village castrator!


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