Friday, March 23, 2007

BBC appreciates a paragraph

Just thought I'd mention my tiny success of sorts on the BBC website. They recently published an article on 'the alternative tourist map' of Britain based on celebrities. They asked for nominations from people and published the 20 best online. I'm one of them. Hooray!
Ok, so a life of literary excellence may not beckon and I didn't atually win anything. I'll probably find it difficult to weave a saga out of it, but hey! It brightened up an otherwise bad day. So, jump in your cars and drive to ....

Cape Cornwall

"A rocky promontory near St Just, owned by the National Trust. It symbolises all things Cornish; the mine ruins, the rocky headlands, the rolling green fields. From the top you can look along the coast or straight out to the Atlantic, next stop North America. On a summer's evening, you can sit with your back against the old smelter's chimney and watch the gulls race across the seascape. The gentle warm breeze in your face is in sharp contrast to the angry white surf on the rocks below. Priceless."

I forgot to mention, they used to smelt arsenic up there...


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