Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Things to do...

It's my birthday and I'm tardy with my blog.

Life catches up and either you have things to do with house and children or you feel so tired all you want to do is veg. or so i feel at 45...

Joined the Leicester Writers Club, very good too! I am looking at visiting once a month and perhaps making a reading of some work. On manuscript night, you can read up to 2,000 words and then people give their honest opinion. I read the first 1000 words of book 1 and well, yes and no. There was a lot to think about in terms of how it felt. Good opening, but slow on dialogue. Quick flash forward to narrator's present stopped the flow etc. I need to have another look.
I also was aked to consider writing the chapter in 3rd person to see how it felt, which i will try. Finally, there were conflicting messages on the colloquial voice. that's always been a dilemma for me. If I have one too honest, the use of 'like' and 'right' and 'innit' would swamp the dialogue, but I opted for a sort of midway and try not to make it too English - it's set in Mid Wales after all!
In the emantime, I have rached Chapter 21 at Book3 , so close to the finish and an interesting part of Owain's life. i need to finish it and then address these points or maybe do a bit of both.
Lots of things to do...


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