Saturday, April 21, 2007

In limbo

I have been busy, i suppose. My kids were christened back in Aberystwyth last weekend and we had 3 house guests. Great to have them too, the whole week was great. We visited the Devil's Bridge via the Rheidol railway, which is always fun and quite spectacular. We also went up to Nant-y-Moch and saw the hydro electric reservoir in all its glory. That also was great a wonderful wilderness.
In the meantime, I have felt the need to write, but have been finding ways to not motivate myself. i have re-written ch 1 of the first novel. I need to revisit the next two and then start slinging it out into agent's piles once again. perhaps I'm scared? Perhaps I'm tired? It just doesn't seem to happen. Admitedly, I need silence around me to conjur up the scenes in my mind and a house full of guests, a 10mth old baby and a bouncy 11 yo isn't going to help. I just need to hold true and not push it. I'm back in work next week and strangely enough, I get a very productive hour normally from lunchtimes there. perhaps even a rail journey? this can generate 1500 words in one session! It's the motion perhaps.

Just keep persevering. Oh and as for the christening...(all bar Evelin courtesy of Kalli Piht)


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