Monday, April 09, 2007


I've been enjoying my time with the Leicester Writers Club. It's interesting to hear other people's point of view and I have learnt a lot. It has caused me to look at my Book1 and to do some serious revision before trying again.
Less of a documentary, more of a story. More dialogue so characters show the plot by words as well as actions, that sort of thing.
It's hard finding the time, (what with a baby on my lap as we speak!). The computer is in demand also, so it's a case of taking your turn - and stop playing damn computer games, as they waste valuable time!!!
I began Book4 on my recent train journey. I like long journeys, I get about 1500 words out of them. I tried it in 3rd person, as an experiment and I'm not totally convinced. Nice to use vocab like wot I speak(!), but I felt it lost some flavour. It's the first story devoted to Owain's son, Dafydd and I look forward to his impending love triangle!


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