Saturday, April 21, 2007

Life on Mars SEQUEL

In passing, I note they have decided on a 1980s sequel, featuring yet again the politically incorrect DCI Hunt, played so well by philip Glenister. The sequel will be called 'Ashes to ashes', once again utilising the songs of Mr. Bowie as a title.

i believe the writers have missed a golden opportunity here or maybe here's one for the future. How about a middle earth spin-off called 'laughing Gnome'?

where DCI Gandalf says 'fly you fools, fly. Wait a moment, it's beer o'clock gentlemen. Time to repair to Rivendell for a pint of elven finest. They may be a bunch of namby-pamby Man Utd supporting pooftahs, but I know a good ale when I see one. Are you with us, Dorothy?'

If it's worth using elsewhere, please someone remember to send me some royalties...


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