Monday, May 09, 2005

Encouraging news

I received a hefty package from the WBC today, my manuscript together with a letter.
It started positively;

'This is an interesting, moving novel, which I very much enjoyed reading. i think it is written at such a high standard that it should find a publisher...'

It does go on with many constructive points - it does point out that the market is not an easy one to reach and not suitable for all publishers, but it does go on to recommend some publishers to try.
This is wonderful! I say that with extreme understatement. Whilst not the end of the road, it is still a massive vote of confidence and re-energises me.

There are some interesting points made, developing the conflict more - the villain always loses, maybe he should win one. The refs to future events should be cut back - one to look at.

I have just got back into reworking the start. bringing in more action rather than telling the story and developing the female characters earlier, so there is a spot of work to do on the whole thing. I have been sitting back after the rejection letter, but was beginning to pick up the energy of the novel once more. this adds to the fuel and its full steam ahead to develope and resubmit.

Great news.

The cat story is coming on, but slowly. It is more charting of events involviong my cats, for my posterity. Written through the eyes of the cat, it's slow to write but fun also. I will be working on that, probably when I'm sunning myself in Tenerife on my hols. I don't see it as publishing work, so may add it to the blog as I go on.


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