Friday, May 20, 2005

The Turn of the Wheel

Have just finished fine tuning my Manuscript, it is now ready I believe to go to the publishers. These were the people recommended to approach by the WBC and have asked to see it.
There's a few changes, I have tried to bring to life the start with more dialogue and there is a time when the bad men win. I also managed to write a patch to link the title , which is now the Turn of the Wheel.
95,000 words and 1.5 years of crafting. Here's hoping anyway.

My wife passed her driving test at the 5th attempt. She went to Bletchley for the first time, had only one lesson the night before and off you go.It's how I did it, I ignored driving for 6 months second time round, had 2 lessons 48 hours before and walked it.
Just goes to show, practice makes a nervous driver...


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