Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday runs slowly

Friday does sometimes... Sitting in a stuffy office waiting for a fire to fight. Waiting for miracles, it would seem.
Just finished typing Chapter 2 of book2 and it's hard work. Also a bit emotional, I look forward to the plot developing and the son begines to grow up. I have 10 ideas in total for a saga. 3 novels for each generation, plus a prequel. Each generation has a different focus, employment and location. It's a case of taking in the research when you find it, I studied a book on WW1 memories the other day and it generated some ideas which would not come to use until book 5. However, you have to note them as they go on. Dreams fade and daydreams are a good source of drama.
No news from the publishers. I feel pessimistic, don't know what I will do next if it comes through as a rejection. Try another? Oh well, we'll see.
My good friends Mark and Gerlinde are on the verge of emigrating to Austria. It is sad to see them go, but a wonderful opportunity for them to start afresh and make a new life away from the rat race of the South east of England. My novel is set in 1880's, where the lead industry was in decline. Faced with mass unemployment and limited chances of being hired at another mine, many looked to emigrate. it must have been daunting, the community was such that moving away was hardly the norm. Communications were also more difficult. Travel was cost prohibitive and slow and not everyone could write. Internet? Yeah, right... Good luck to them anyway.


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